Mai Stii

4:AM Forever

Shoot for the stars

chiar crezi ca ma cunosti?

i like...

the way the sun shines on dead roads lost to the world
and how the syllables perfectly fall in every word
blue eyes and dark hair, with skin as white as snow
to get high and fly only to fall down to the lowest of lows

i like...

conspiracy theories, reasons and plots
dead flowers in dead flowerpots and knots
fires and smoking and matches and light
curses and words that cause pain and delight

i like...

playing a part in life's greatest play
seeing it all fall apart in rot and decay
illusions and dreams, things that *pop* in the night
making my point and always being right

i like

lying insanely and sometimes lying in bed
laying a carpet of roses for those who deserve
vaguely remembering the the day that she left
and most of all lying to myself...

[fug de realitate, nu vreau sa imi primesc destinul, stiu ca'l am, doar il aman, nu vreau sa'mi fie'usor, nu vreau sa ma plictisesc, nu vreau sa va indeplinesc asteptarile, dar va voi uimi pe toti. pentru ca toti stiti ca pot dar nu stiti cat de mult inca... cand va fi cazul, voi lasa guri cascate in urma mea. puteti sa fiti siguri de asta... deocamdata o ard fara pretentii... oricum n'am nevoie de voi, nici voi de mine si poate va fut in gura pe toti, toti, toti, tot trec peste toate]

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