這不被認為讀這是我的尖叫為救世這是為所有詞在我的頭裡想要來外部和戲劇。我無所事事地坐當世界通過我不介意, 並且我不改變什麼因為它容易哭泣, 單獨以被打碎的心臟。我能做任何東西。我有非常潛力, 並且我嚴密地講話大約那個我意識到我能改變命運世界但我因為我是空的。我不想要得到在這是唯一的事給我力量我永遠將寫對此並且我將贏取這場戰爭在最後我將 是的我的哀情我想要是的地方並且我將是誰我要是我是一切具體化為它是錯誤與世界和驕傲的! 但您不能聽見我, 是? 我是一個該死的現代天英雄並且我將得到英雄的葬禮再見。
[smoke.and mirrors.]
About Me
Mai Stii
4:AM Forever
Shoot for the stars
in al doilea rand... .m.g.w.
in primul rand... o copie
Nu e deloc usor sa scap,
Imi este foarte greu sa tac,
Poate ca mai bine ar fi sa fac
Absolut tot ce'mi trece prin cap.
Mi'am dorit foarte mult sa te fac sa simti
Insa banuiam tot timpul ca minti
Acum tu esti cea care a cazut
Ai cazut, cat de jos s'a putut!
N'ai fost langa mine atunci cand am avut
Atata nevoie de tine, atata nevoie de tine...
As vrea sa stii cat de mult imi doresc
Absolut nimic sa nu'mi amintesc
Esti pentru mine doar un vis urat,
Esti un trecut, un trecut, doar atat.
N'o sa mai insemni niciodata nimic
Poza ta a murit intr'un plic,
Pentru tine simt acum numai ura
Nu vorbi, nu vorbi taci din gura!!!
N'ai fost langa mine atunci cand am avut
Atata nevoie de tine, atata nevoie de tine...
Tot ce'a fost intre noi acum este mort
Dragostea noastra un simplu avort
Cei ca tine sunt niste orori,
Priveste'ma'n ochi, acum o sa mori!
Ai vrut prea mult sa ma vezi la pamant,
S'a terminat, acum te'am infrant
Te urasc enorm pentru tot ce'ai facut
N'o sa stii niciodata cat de rau a durut!
N'ai fost langa mine atunci cand am avut
Atata nevoie de tine, atata nevoie. de tine...
Dead so I've played to merely turn him on
Don't let creed take too much of us
He'll rivet hard to suffer rotten wrong
The prince's mood darkens me strong
C'est lui,
Mon prince bleu, mon soleil
Chantant dans mon sommeil
Des mots, des monts et merveilles
Attendant que je m'éveille
C'est toi
Mon prince bleu, mon soleil
Je vais chanter pareil
Des mots, des monts et merveilles
Que jamais je ne m'éveille
Le Prince Bleu
Je brulerai ton absence
Un trone blanc
Il reviendra
Sur son fier alezan
Le Prince Bleu
Comme je l'attends
C'est lui,
Mon prince bleu, mon soleil
Chantant dans mon sommeil
Des mots, des monts et merveilles
Attendant que je m'éveille
C'est toi
Mon prince bleu, mon soleil
Je vais chanter pareil
Des mots, des monts et merveilles
Que jamais je ne m'éveille
Je donnerais
Tous les croissants de lune
Tous les bijoux
De la fortune
Sent you to tears when pride first seized my womb
Post-mortem's tune, my prince he croons
Sickly my prince's mood, so sullen shutdown the door today
The more no more is relayed after dark confirms his bane
Sits tall my prince is bruised, he's so lame his fairness ricochets
'till all his sores are self slain and demand a brother's reign
Sits tall my prince is bruised, he's so lame his fairness ricochets
'till all his sores are self slain and demand a brother's reign
[que donneriez-vous pour juste une apparence de l'amour ?]
passing back through obscure rooms
and i go further through darkness that looms
along the hallways i step past, beyond
no, i shouldn't look back 'cause it's wrong!
anyway i won't remember much if i do
i don't remember any of you!
but for those few scraps that remain
i won't puzzle them together, i will refrain...
it's easy as long as i keep fighting the fight
just sleep or keep busy during the night
keep chasing my dreams in the daylight
and then get new dreams to chase
once i achieve them!
again, as solemn as the colossus of Rhodos
i will not shed my water for those that are lost
i'll keep out of time like the Great Pyramid of Khufu
and i'll visit Giza to die there, i won't do it for you!
stopped deceiving us, the many that struggle inside
we built the Great Wall once more just to keep you outside
we ate our souls from within, kept raising our chin
kept raising our voices like heroes, we sing
revived yet immortal from the depths of catacombs
and stood prouder than the Hanging Gardens of Babylon!
we carried our spirits through the roughest of seas
by the light of Alexandria's Great Lighthouse that sees
and we avoided the Styx, sunk Charon and the Cerberus
to reach the promised land which was taken from us!
we hate those who desecrate, no excuse for such things
they scrawled the walls of the Valley of Kings!
they plundered the Ephesus Temple of The Queen of the Beasts
they pillaged the Mausoleum and tore down the Statue of Zeus!
from robbers to holy crusaders, we'll watch how they burn
in the Land of the Dead, where the fates always turn!
[we'll put rock to rock'shaped eggs in the same fashion
we'll go eye for an eye, in an endless procession]
Vous appréciiez un verre de l'eau. Peuplez la poussée près, en marchant alors au loin dans la nuit. C'est la manière que la roue de la vie tourne vous laisser aveugle par les lumières. Dans un brouillard et stupéfié, principal complètement des brumes et des fantômes des ombres passées. Vous tournez loin, aucun doute. N'importe quelle personne raisonnable courrait leurs coeurs dehors. Mais quelque chose vous garde là. Elle ne pourrait pas être quelque chose physique parce que vous êtes seul en mer de l'espace vide. Mais vous ne pouvez pas vous déplacer. Il n'y a aucune réception au téléphone. Tous vos cris perdent dans la distance. Aucun écho ne peut être entendu. Ainsi c'est comment il doit être totalement seul ? Vous avez peur pour prendre une mesure. Peut-être vous êtes sur une place suspendue dedans entre le ciel et la terre au-dessus d'un abîme éternel. Ilvaut- il mieux de se tenir ou tomber pour le reste de votre vie ? Ou pour toujours. Ce qui si, dans cet endroit vous êtes immortel ? Ce qui si c'est enfer ? Mais encore plus mauvais, ce qui si c'est ciel ? Ou peut-être quelque part dans l'intervalle ? Que diriez-vous de d'un autre verre de l'eau ? Qui s'inquiète... Il y a un air entrant. Il vous hypnotise. Vous pourriez jurer que vous n'avez vu aucun orateur sur votre chemin dedans. Les silhouettes commencent à former vers le haut avant vos yeux. Elles se déplacent violemment et vous vous demandez s'il est en raison de douleur ou de plaisir. Vous avez un autre verre de l'eau. Mais vous avez encore soif ! La musique obtient plus fort. Elle frappe ! Soudainement, votre corps commence à contracter au battement. Vous n'êtes plus dans la commande. Rien n'importe désormais. Vous ne vous rappellerez pas une chose le matin. Vous pensez, dans le dernier moment de la lucidité, que peut-être vous ne devriez pas avoir fait cela le bout un. Vous réalisez que vous êtes écrasé. Alors vous passez hors de...
[it's in the water, baby...]
In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round
I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground
Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down
World feels like it's caved in - proper sorry frown
Please let me show you where we could only just be, for us
I can change and I can grow or we could adjust
The wicked thing about us is we always have trust
We can even have an open relationship, if you must
I look at her she stares almost straight back at me
But her eyes glaze over like she's lookin' straight through me
Then her eyes must have closed for what seems an eternity
When they open up she's lookin' down at her feet
Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over
So then I move my hand up from down by my side
It's shakin', my life is crashin' before my eyes
Turn the palm of my hand up to face the skies
Touch the bottom of her chin and let out a sigh
'Cause I can't imagine my life without you and me
There's things I can't imagine doin', things I can't imagine seein'
It weren't supposed to be easy, surely
Please, please, I beg you please
She brings her hands up towards where my hands rested
She wraps her fingers round mine with the softness she's blessed with
She peels away my fingers, looks at me and then gestures
By pushin' my hand away to my chest, from hers
Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over
And I'm just standin' there, I can't say a word
'Cause everythin's just gone
I've got nothin'
Absolutely nothin'
Tryin' to pull her close out of bare desperation
Put my arms around her tryin' to change what she's sayin'
Pull my head level with hers so she might engage in
Look into her eyes to make her listen again
I'm not gonna fuckin', just fuckin' leave it all now
'Cause you said it'd be forever and that was your vow
And you're gonna let our things simply crash and fall down
You're well out of order now, this is well out of town
She pulls away, my arms are tightly clamped round her waist
Gently pushes me back and she looks at me straight
Turns around so she's now got her back to my face
Takes one step forward, looks back, and then walks away
Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now
It's over
I know in the past I've found it hard to say
Tellin' you things, but not tellin' straight
But the more I pull on your hand and say
The more you pull away
Dry your eyes mate
I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you've got to walk away now.
-da nimic, ma plictiseam in casa si m'am hotarat sa ma scot la o cafea! (zambeste)
-vrei companie?
-doar daca oferi tu cafeaua! (zambeste si ea)
-hai stai jos... cum esti?
-la fel, poate putin mai satula de cotidian.
-de ce?
-pai aceleasi chestii, la lucru e naspa, vreau sa demisionez ca nu mai am timp de mine, de prieteni, de nimic... am impresia ca ma indrept spre ceva ce nu'mi place.
-pai si atunci de ce nu iei masuri?
-pentru ca ma tine ceva in loc... nu stiu ce.
-nu ai nici cea mai vaga idee?
-as avea, dar nu vreau sa ii dau glas... poate pune stapanire pe mine si voi fi si mai incurcata apoi.
-pai altfel ramai prinsa in... cum i'ai zis tu... "cotidian".
-da, stiu. nu e neaparat rau... dar nu sunt multumita. am atatea planuri si vise, dar nu stiu de ce nu ma apuc de ele. k doar nu e greu. trebuie doar sa ma aplic.
-pai fa'o! (rade)
-nah nu face bot... nu te critic.
-stiu, doar ca nu imi place sa mi se spuna ce sa fac.
-pai atunci ne'am hotarat... nu'ti mai zic nimic.
-mersi. (zambeste... parca)
-ai ceva pe cap, asa'i?
-in afara de par?
-da, evident.
-da, dar sunt problemele mele, nu are rost sa ti le pun tie in carca.
-te ajut daca vrei.
-ma descurc, mersi. (ii suna telefonul, se ridica de la masa, iese pana afara sa vorbeasca)
-trebuie sa plec.
-deja? nici nu ti'ai terminat cafeaua.
-da... vorbim. pa!
-mda. ceau! (se uita la ea cum pleaca, cum a facut'o de atatea ori)
asta e un prototip. sa'i zicem scenariu. uneori conversatia difera, actorii raman la fel, aceiasi si, invariabil, circumstante atenuante nu exista niciodata. la sfarsitul zilei nimeni nu se simte mai bine. in cel mai bun caz... la fel.
partea frumoasa e ca puteam sa fac scenariul asta cum vroiam eu, sa'mi las mintea sa zboare spre culmi nemaiintalnite si sa transform totul intr'o discutie plina de haz, sarcasm si replici taioase. dar atunci ar fi fost cea mai mare minciuna spusa vreodata.
ramanem la fel "de" ca de obicei
as vrea sa fie noapte uneori
la nesfarsit sa nu mai fie zori
sa nu mai prind lumini din iad
si zambete ce le'ntalnesc si cad
cuvinte ce le scriu si ard
si sunete ce se transforma'n murmur fad
reactii la nimic exagerate
transformate'n cauze desarte
oricum's deja departe
cand tot ce ne apropia doar ne desparte
sper sa ma citesti din nou candva
dar nu din nou cu mintea
nu inteleg de n'auzi ce'ti zic mereu
nu stiu de ce tot cred ca sunt de vina eu
nu pot schimba nimic din tot ce'a fost
si ma condamni!
[sunt prost...]
And I'd wish the sun would never come
It's 4 AM and you are done
I hope you know you're letting go
It's 4 AM and I'm alone
aduna kilometri... aduna kilometri sub centura
ca sa ma regasesti... uita'l pe el
uita de tzel... uite de psalmii care'ti suna'n cap
ce cantec iti rasuna'n cap?
nu ma prefac ca pot schimba ceva
nu vreau sa cred ca pot schimba lumea
se schimba oricum ea
si eu raman la fel
ma inconjoara ea, si eu raman la fel...
la fel de rece si de neschimbat
nepasator la timp, si la fel de ciudat...
rasare soarele si'apune la sfarsitul zilei
oricum ma prinde dormind
ma vede dorind sa pot zbura
sau sa pot derula totul inainte 'napoi
dupa cum dracu' "voi"
si apoi pleaca... si nu'mi pasa
daca'i noapte sau e zi, zi'i tu ca nu'mi mai pasa!
ca eu nu mai am chef de jocul asta
zi'i sa'si cada singur in plasa...
si da... observ ca'ncet nu ma mai doare'n pula
daca peretii astia ar vorbi... n'ar mai tacea din gura...
stau jos, stagnez, stau doar sa stau
nu's obosit ca acum m'am trezit
si nu mai stiu ce urmaresc/ce vreau?
si chiar asa... de fapt... doar stau...
sunt orb si prost, urat, jegos
dar nu e nimeni sa ma vada
ca stau cu lumina stinsa si tigara'aprinsa'n cada
si ce'i cel mai rau ca nu vad schimbare in curand
si nici nu stiu daca o vreau... sau oare?
sunt plin de vicii grosolane si tampite
sunt scarbos, cand mananc ragaii
si ma sterg la bot cu "Boii dupa Vite"
nu'ti convine? si iar crezi ca stii totul despre mine, da?
normal ca'mi citesti fiecare miscare... am scris cartea!
nu sunt destept sau stralucit
nu sunt boem ca n'am citit nimic in viata mea
nu vreau sa par spontan, prietenos
sunt ros de ura pana'n os...
nu'mi pasa, nu's atent, nu's grijuliu
nu sunt dragut si nici nu vreau sa fiu!
nu sunt amabil , nu's plin de curtoazie
si te'as face sa plangi cu orice ocazie...
nu's carismatic... merg singur in pula mea
oricum n'o sa te conving vreodata de ceva!
["I've got a golden axe and i chop cherry trees down
Dead to this world. bury me now."]
we just love the way it sounds
punk'rock's out, black'dyed hair and baggy clothes are out, grunge is out, all the things that i grew up with are out... and i can't help but feel a bit disappointed at that. now it's the age of pseudo' gagsters and "cool" kids. now it's "in" to club, to bang your heads to d'n'b, get high and get "expansive". it's expensive. and superficial. there's no more heart in anything. and it all seems based on $ these days. there's no more innocence and no more love. the age of the super city freaks and flah are in. old school hip hop is gone. and so are lyrics that touched the right buttons to make you vibe. these are the days of pre'pubescent teens that get drunk and get in trouble, of cheap booze and carelessness, of cheap women and dirty bathrooms. where the fuck is MY generation? what happened to all the plans and dreams and changes we wanted to make? is this it? i'd rather not, if that's the case. we failed, and failed miserably, at that. and nothing comes after us, because we took care of burning all the bridges and scorching every fertile field in our wake.
you know, everybody exagerates sometimes... but to make a casual thing seem "gangsta"... that's just stupid. i see kids lying on their backs on floors, their friends shaking in a corner or puking in a gutter. it's like nobody gives a fuck anymore. not about anybody else OR about themselves. people forgot the number for the 911 emergency... but they know by heart the one of their dealer, of their "homies" and their "ho's"... and that's just sad... i'd rather not live like that, but i just won't give up... it's the world that was shaped and burned before my eyes. and i can't change that. but i can keep myself real and true and through... i WILL see this to the end... because it's not my place to be ashamed... i've got too much reality to be addicted to... and i'll keep real to the game... my own and by my rules...
"i don't want the truth, i wanna feel fuckin' cool"
XOXO - flow
it all started out just like a dream, a brilliantly excavated part of real, inside surreal and dearly beloved... it evolved just like a palm through to a fist that's gloved, through to a hit that's blocked and re'thrown... and everything was just a series of pivotal moments in time... of movements and chimes... of verses and rhymes... but this is me at my most honest... no egos, no status, just me... still dreaming of us... but all that I can do is write and hope to God you're reading it... because these words are here for that, there's no more faking it... there's no more ways that were left untried, and no small doses... so now i'm e-mailing my love with a dozen digital roses...