Mai Stii

4:AM Forever

Shoot for the stars

is this real?

so... is this real?

we keep on turning around and keep on spinning around
we get grips on slippery places, we're almost lost and found
and every time i think about it i say to myself oh my god!

put everything to one side and open our eyes
we give more to receive less end then it's good'bye
but we never give up 'cuz we don't believe the lies

it's rays that give strength, and rays that lose faith
i don't care about being blocked out forever, i'll never be left
because i know when i'm right and i never lose sight

stretch your legs out forever, we're in this together
we're only addicted to the harshest of beats
and it's these things that bond us and fuel never'seen before feats!
the living in tension is the only direction we know
and no one may keep us apart, 'cuz we show
how to visualize your objectives and Oh!
give in to your dreams and you'll never be low

sick psycho schematics, motion without being static at all
we're never caught in this traffic and we know no wall
that red means stop, but that green means go
and life's a row of forever green lights for us

hold your head and say oh my god!
hold my hand and say...
hold your breath and say...
it's like...

oh my god...

just recognize who we are, we just want to live if we're lucky
it's not over'exceeded, this is just me being cocky
so i'll stretch my mind 'till i'm the one and only...
always for real, baby, we are never phony...

[ yeah, it is ]

vad totul prin tine

intors de departe's putin plin si'obosit
cu ochii rosii vad lumea'n culori de'asfintit
si vinisoare de sange'mi umplu mintea de stele
nu stiu de ce am plecat, vrajit de placere.
acum caut tacere, e zgomot in jur
un vuiet constant, vreau liniste'n jur.
simt o mana c'o curpinde pe'e mea
dar sunt singur pe hol, aici nu e ea.
ganduri ciudate se nasc, ochii'mi se dau peste cap
cred c'am clacat la un punct, intre'un fum si un sfat
m'am vazut intins pe un pat, cearsaful si eu transpirat
mi'am zis "ce dracu fac eu aici?"... si'am plecat...
acum mi se pare ciudat, nu pot sa dorm cum dormeam
imi urla capu'n durere si tot uit ce faceam
am inceput sa fac asta ca sa pot sa mai rad cateodata
am inceput sa fac asta ca sa pot sa mai rad cateodata

nu'mi amintesc nimic din tot ce gandeam, nu mai stiu deloc
ma uit in oglinda si vad totul prin mine
de ce'mi tot incalc regulile, sa nu'mi mai incalc regulile deloc?
ma uit in oglinda si vad totul prin mine

in momentul asta logica ar spune sa dorm, sa nu mai ascult de ce zic
sunt pe punctul de'a face ceva aleator si isteric
ma simt putin agitat, simt ca'mi furnica pielea pe mine
dar simt cum ma desprind si nimic nu ma tine
nu vreau sa cred ca totu'i rezultatul actiunilor determinate de tine
dar nu vreau sa ma vada nimeni asa, cred c'asta ma retine
ma uit in oglinda si vad totul prin mine...

e de'abia rasarit, dar lumina e rece si cruda
timpul e plin de caldura aceea putreda si plina de ura
e prea multa lumina aici, privelistea te fura
am flori uscate intr'o vaza pe masa si'un gust de moarte in gura...
ma uit la tapet si's furat de modele
in fiecare zi's furate, copiate modele
in plin sprint ma'mpiedic de ele
cred ca asta'i problema cu ele
nu's modele de stele....
dar trecand peste toate, sa nu uit sa nu uit niciodata
am inceput sa fac asta ca sa pot sa mai rad cateodata...

[cred ca se simte putin speriata
ca tine, de altfel, cel putin cateodata
n'o lasa s'adoarma, spune'i c'o iubesti ca odata
n'o lasa s'adoarma, spune'i c'o iubesti ca odata